
09 January 2012

Simon Says

{bongo drum bebe brassiere}

After getting into bed and hearing both needlets crying Simon sighed and unenthusiastically said,
 "the cattle are lowing."

Every time I crawl into bed after tending to Sebastian's demands in the middle of the night Simon always says, 
"I'll get him, I'll get him."
(too late and you know it)

Every time I change a diaper sans diaper pad Simon skeptically says, 
"You're brave."

After reporting to Simon that I had successfully and finally gotten Sebastian to sleep while Julia was also down for her nap, Simon enthusiastically said, 
"spirit fingers!!"


  1. Oh my goodness, THE BABY SMILE. I think I maybe finally just felt a twinge of "Huh..a third doesn't sound like hell anymore.."

    Simon is hilarious.

  2. Sebastian's face was made for smiling.
    And that "the cattle are lowing" line is priceless.

  3. "I'll get him, I'll get him" hahaha Phil does that drives me crazy! Sometimes I'll say OK even though I've already nursed Em...just to see if he would actually get up...he hasn't yet ;)

  4. Sebastian is SO cute!
    I had to stifle my laughing at that last one, spirit fingers, so I wouldn't wake the kids!

  5. "the cattle are lowing"....hahahahhaha. Now, if husbands could just figure out how to respond to that "lowing" in a timely fashion BEFORE we do..that would really be something.

  6. Oh yes, and I forgot to mention I want to squeeze your baby because he's impossibly cute...
