
21 January 2012


Untitled from grace patton on Vimeo.

If you make it to the end of the clip ... I applaud you. You will also be rewarded with a guest appearance by someone whose name rhymes with pie man.  This is my last clip of Sebastian doing nothing for this month. De nad.


  1. I love the sweet little noises they make at this age :)

  2. He's not doing nothing! He's huccupping<----is that a word? I probably have two or more hours of videos like this of my daughters. I would put them on facebook and my sisters who live out of town would beg for more.

  3. Oh, we made it to the end. My little guy is sitting next to me and he was grinning at the 'boy baby.' He told me, "You have a boy baby in your belly."
    I mean, at least he enjoys looking at him, we'll see how it goes when the big day finally arrives and he has to share the house with another baby.

  4. ahh! SO cute! Dang, what a heart throb. Its the greatest thing when they start cooing and smiling, isn't it? How old is he now?

  5. Please continue. Videos of your baby are apparently quite interesting to my baby. He's a weirdo.
