
06 January 2012


 No contest. The cuter child award for today goes to Sebastian. Hopefully Julia can pull it together and wow the judges tomorrow.

I have nothing even remotely exciting to report to you fine folk. I suppose I could tell you about one of Julia's latest tricks. No? Too bad. She must be taking diligent notes on how to care for a baby from her mother as she has taken to swaddling (very poorly of course) her dolls and telling them to "shhhh shhhhh shhhh shhhh" while bouncing violently up and down. I can only hope the emulations don't stop there and that alllllll those times she has followed me to the bathroom will start to pay off soon and she will ditch her diapers for the real deal potty.  Otherwise my modesty will have been sacrificed for absolutely nothing.
 Too boring?
Well, I could type about my wretched cleanse. Definitely no? Okay. I'll just say that I noticed that my upper arm skin is suddenly very soft. I won't complain about that but I'm still waiting for the promised 'mental clarity' to rear its pretty head any minute now.
Anddd just like that - I'm drained of news. Sorry.
I'll share some fun from more exciting humans now so this isn't a complete waste of your precious minutes
Simon's younger brother Andrew's girlfriend's (got that?) inspiring food blog. I want to make and eat these, this and this right now. Right right now. So smart.

A new blog that I am thoroughly enjoying. Especially this post.

Do you love Downton Abbey? Take this very official quiz to find out which character you are (I'm Violet).
(thanks BiblioMOMia!)

Free nail polish.

Have a nice night or day.


  1. I may or may not have watched the entire freakin' season yesterday. Just saying. Can't WAIT for Sunday!

  2. I'm going to vote Sebastian on this one, as well. He's looking very charming, while Julia is obviously trying to execute some sort of baby-sleeper-hold. This observation comes from being strangled several times by both my children, and they never win any type of cuteness award for it...

    Thanks for the blog suggestions! Love finding new people to follow...especially after my kids got me up at 5:41am and I have absolutely nothing to do except prop my eyelids open... help

  3. Hilarious about Julia...a little mini me :) Fun new blogs, thanks for sharing!

  4. 1. Julia looks JUST like you!
    2. Sebastian is adorable with the smiles!

  5. such a saturated post.
    first-andrew should HOLD ON to that girl. not only is she cute, but the food looks great! o my.
    second-i am just getting in to downton abbey and can't WAIT to discuss it more as soon as i've caught up.
    third-i'm checking out the nailpolish sitch.

  6. 1) apparently, and according to multiple blogs, I am totally missing out on this Downton Abbey show. I will have to remedy this and find out when/how I can watch it. 2) Andrew better hold on to that gal! Lucky!! I wish I could date a food blogger, if I were single and had an entirely different life, of course. 3) So many colors to choose between for the nail polish. That is awesome, plus non toxic so I can use it on the child, too! 4) am hooked on the new blog, thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the linkage, Grace! From when you wrote this post until now, my total site views have decupled (yeah, I didn't know that term until two minutes ago either - I was trying to find the word that meant "increase to ten times former amount"). Pressure's on now to write something decent...
    I'm Violet too, which makes me happy. We can be eccentric, feisty old ladies together and spend our days politely but oh-so-effectively telling off relatives and upstarts.
    Oh and both your kids are adorable, but Sebastian wins for facial expression today.
    May have to check out that nail polish, if the deal's open to Canadians.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful blog! Do you have photoshop, I love your photos...

  9. He got so CHUBBY!!!!! And that little smile is so cute :) He looks a lot like Julia. I took the quiz and I'm Matthew Crawley...not sure how I feel about that. He was kind of a know-it-all-pansy. I suppose I am too. And yes - I LOVE DOWNTON ABBEY!!! Watched the entire season 1 in 2 days on Netflix. (While my husband changed poo-filled diapers and vacuumed the upstairs...)

  10. How do you manage to look that good post-partum!? Seriously girl! You look great, and your kids are both so adorable!
