
17 January 2012

house shoes

or slippers. House slippers.

We were in desperate need of formula today so I ran to Target to hunt and gather the delicious before Simon headed into work this afternoon.  Of course, I walked out with more than just formula. I sprang for some electric green bananas, generic teddy grahams, organic bunny grahams, creamer, and these faux fur-lined moccasins. The shoe section was teeming with slippers on clearance and these were $6.98 (Minnetonka who?) and I convinced myself that I needed a fringed pair. After all, I rarely to never leave the house and my usual foot uniform of ill-matched socks seems to greatly annoy my charges.

If the fact that I'm posting about a new pair of slippers doesn't tell you how scarily exciting things are around these parts, well, I don't know what will.

Tread carefully and have a pleasant eve. 

ps go Marky Mark


  1. I want some! I love house shoes, but have been stuck with wearing socks because I am far too cheap to replace my old pair. If only target were closer to me.

  2. I actually would LOVE a pair of fringey moccs. Might have to venture over to Target this eve...

  3. I was at target tonight and wouldn't let myself venture over to the shoe I'm regretting it...

  4. Love them! But don't let Trudy ever see those. She has a slipper fetish. Ben had some like those from Cabella's and they, along with the rest of our slippers, have been destroyed. Besides paper towels it is the only thing she chews up. She's a strange one for sure.

    And thanks for sharing the Marky Mark link...go him!

  5. I had those exact slippers, Target and all, but they got lost in the move. :( I went back to get a new pair and all they had were sweater type ones. All well, they still keep the piggies toasty. :)

  6. Duuude. I was just eyeing those puppies yesterday at Target. Good work bringing them home and testing them out :) Would you recommend now that you have had them for a day??

  7. Now I have a reason to hit up Target today (as if I really needed one). Thanks to their popcorn, it's the one place Piper loves to shop.

  8. I have house/everywhere moccasins that I just wore a hole in. I don't know if I should repair or hold funeral services for my favorite pair...

  9. I just picked up some steve madden mocs for 20 on sale and I was stoked, but yours are just as cute if not cuter!

  10. I have some shoes like that, they are awesome!

  11. I desperately need slippers, but since Ken insists on calling them "house shoes", which gives me a case of the irrational willies, I've stubbornly resisted. No way is anything called "house shoes" going on MY feet. No thank you, I'll stick with the stanky old plastic penny loafers which make my feet smell like corpses because I also don't like socks.

    Man, life was so much easier in Mississippi, where one didn't have to worry about footwear.

  12. Ooh - cute, AND fur-lined??? Those are exactly what I've been looking for! Am always cold so slippers are a necessity, but am making do with my $1.50 IKEA towel-cloth and foam slippers for now because a) everything that looks like yours is $50 or more, and b) Target hasn't opened any stores in Canada yet. Biding my time...

  13. Ok, So I bought those, they are NOT slippers at least I didnt use them as such. Everyone kept saying, uh Liz, I said nope, look at hard soles..
    When I bought them, they were in the shoe section along with other ones slighly different color.
    Yes, I wore them out of the house
    Yes, they might be slippers.
    In Louisiana, they are trying to pass a law that you cannot wear PJs out in public
    Guess I would have been to jail....

  14. Those look identical to my Minnetonkas damn it all

  15. I just bought them in grey and love them. I might have to go back and get them in brown as well. They are super cozy!
