
28 December 2011

golden boy

Happy Golden Birthday Simone!

Thanks for being such a wonderful dad, husband and comedian.
I'm sorry that Julia passed along her wretched vomplague to you and that we are braving an insanely early flight followed by another less early but still early flight with our tyrannical offspring.
Nowhere to go but up-up-up from here, I suppose!



  1. oh no. now simone is sick?! where are ya'll off to? safe travels...if that is possible.

  2. Ha! I had to look up "golden birthday" on Urban Dictionary. And it made me feel old. Then I realized what it meant, and how "old" that made Simon, and that made me feel even older.

    I'm going to go shoot some prune juice now.
    Happy Birthday, Simon.

  3. happy birthday simon. im sorry you are sick and im sorry i cannot see your four lovely faces. get well soon

  4. Ugh, I'm sorry you guys are having such a rough week :( Hopefully you are off to spend some time with family and get a few breaks from the littles in the form of some grandparents taking over for a few minutes. Travel safe!

  5. Happy birthday S! Sending get better wishes to the Patton household and safe travels to all!

  6. What adorable pictures! Happy birthday to your man!

    I've moved! Come visit me at See Me Rwar
