
06 December 2011


guess who's back?
back again.

yes, the alteration station is resurfacing for a brief moment
I wear notsweats about 0-.5 times a week so this was a totally pointless project 
who cares?
not you

I found this large dark knight at the Goodwill many moons ago
(yes Julia is wearing a pair of my swimsuit bottoms around her neck ... usually it's underwear ... I don't ask ... she doesn't tell)
It wasn't terribly big but it was a little slidey in the neck area and was prone to giving inappropriate peeps of my pretty nursing tank which wouldn't do if I did decide to rock it to the grocery store or the grocery store 

so I just took it in the tiniest of bits up the back and sides 
... three easy seams ... 
while nursing ... please be impressed
 minor improvement but super nursing unfriendly
(and Sebastian makes a fussy guest appearance wearing the only bit of Christmas decor our house will be seeing ... grinchy Grace)
I'm getting my mane cut this weekend ... don't worry

andddd cue Julia's afternoon nap wake up/grunt/beckoning of her master
off I trot

have a goodie


  1. Cute! How on earth do you find time or energy to sew?!

  2. Definitely impressed that you sewed while nursing.

    And please rock that at the grocery store. You would look so hot.

    Oh, and I was just noticing how LONG your hair is! Those prenatals were good to you! How much will you chop off??

  3. you are too cute and too skinny for just having a baby! your such a cute mama! I only hope I can bounce back as quickly as you!

  4. Love it! Seriously Grace, I know I keep saying it but how old is Sebastian?!?! And you're looking that fab? Not fair, but way to go :)

  5. CUTE! That dress went from a black mumu to perfection! Brava!

  6. Dear Grace,
    You are AMAZING!! I love seeing how change things into something gorgeous.
    And PS, you look gorgeous too!!

  7. wait. dont cut your hair!!!!!!

    also, great job sewing AND nursing ! you multi-tasker, you.

  8. I love it! So cute. I don't have any kids and I wear sweatpants to the grocery store, so who am I to judge?

    And I am super jealous of your hair. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  9. Cute refashion! And when is the last time you had a hair cut? Not in a bad way, but I'd love for my hair to be that long and many years do I have to wait?

  10. YES! this made my day! love it, love it, love it!

  11. I found your blog through Ain't No Mom Jeans... I love Goodwill and am looking forward to catching up on these posts. Great blog! Btw, love your hair and frames :)
