
25 December 2011

and so this is Christmas.

Just me, merry and merrier here today ... capturing smiles on camera ... being festive ... watching this addicting show ... et cetera.

We met Simon for Mass at the hospital this morning where Julia got into her first fight with a five year old over his set of tangible Angry Birds, I almost lost a robot sprint happy Julia in the parking lot while I was loading Sebastian into the carrier and I ate my weight in sugar and grease from the cafeteria. Eventful hour.

I'll leave you with some readworthy Christmas posts since I have nothing postworthy today

When Santa Clause comes to Mass

So happy Calah and her Husband are reunited

Hilarious cookie recipe (from my long lost fellow summer camp goer!)

Merriest Christmas to all ... thank you for reading my vapid and ranty blog. 
You're the best of all the other blog readers ... guarant.


  1. Thanks for the link to the show! I am excited to watch :)
    Merry Christmas!

  2. That's a great picture of Julia! Merry Christmas.

  3. Love the picture of Julia. It totally looks like she took it herself. Ya know, channeling the myspace era which was totally before her time :)

  4. Thanks for the linky love, my dear...:)The pictures of your kiddos are so sweet. Sounds like you guys had a great day. Who doesn't like chasing a toddler like it doesn't want to live with you anymore? I, for one, love when that happens. Also, eating one's weight in sugar is something to be proud of. For instance, I'm very proud of the chocolate I ate for breakfast... Will return your email as soon as my kids stop sprinting in different directions...:)

  5. Awww, adorable pics! That hat on Julia is really cute!

  6. Love the first pic, so sweet :)

  7. Okay, so yesterday, I came across Downton Abbey on Netflix and recalled how you said you were watching it. Anyway, longstoryshort I can now blame it for my house being messy. It IS addicting. I just finished Season 1 and I feel like I'm already having withdrawals.
