
21 November 2011

what friends are for

As mentioned previo, Jessica visited this weekend. (read about her flight We didn't do much but it was so (so so so so so so) nice to have a verbal being keep me company while Simon worked, Julia repeatedly unplugged all living area sources of light and Sebastian ate and ate and ate and ate.  

Simon was kind enough to watch both miniterrors on Saturday night so we  could tear up the shopping mall scene (J.crew clearance rack and H and M everyrack), eat food court sushi and split some health food from Five Guys.  

Jessica was a real saint about packing the kids up with me on Sunday and hitting up my long lost love...the the rain.  She tolerated Julia emptying her wallet, stealing her cell phone and annoyingly/creepily watching her change clothes. She also shared in diaper duty, didn't complain about the frozen pizza cuisine and cheerfully rose at the ungodly hour of realllllly early with me and the crazies. 

She successfully trained Julia to be 'gentle' with poor Lucy who has recently been falling victim to vicious pinches and fur pulls.  

Basically she was my saving grace...or saving Jessica I suppose. 

Hopefully we didn't scare her away forever from our Cheerio strewn, annoyingly dark, sometimes fussy, sometimes whiney baby lair. 

Merry Monday to you and yours and theirs.


  1. You know a true friend, when he/she will jump in and change a diaper or cheerfully accept the destructive/disgusting antics of a toddler. This is what I've learned in the last 18 months. I have discovered that people I never thought would do so, were kind and gracious when my babies puked on them or drooled into their purses. Those are the friends I am truly grateful for!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Good friends are just so awesome when they change diapers :) Makes you love them even more.

  3. What a gift you have in Jessica! I know how much better you must feel after time spent with another lucid, verbal being.

    And I cracked up on the "annoyingly/creepily watching her change clothes" comment. Isn't it ODD when kids do that?

  4. What a gift you have in Jessica! I know how much better you must feel after time spent with another lucid, verbal being.

    And I cracked up on the "annoyingly/creepily watching her change clothes" comment. Isn't it ODD when kids do that?

  5. You are so lucky! I wish my bestie would come visit me...but I don't blame her since she is on the other side of the country. I am glad you were able to get a break :)

  6. she sounds like THE greatest lifesavor/friend.

  7. once again you have made me out to be way cooler/sweeter/amazing than i am in real life. this isnt the truth. i had such a good time. i miss you guys (you si, kiddos and lucy) already. i cant wait to do it again.

  8. also i almost teared up when i saw that photo of me and julia reading. dear lord that is embarrassing that i am turning into a lame-o.
