
14 November 2011

around here

up to down | R - L

Julia hearting Sebastian's animal feet | "these are our serious faces...don't smile Sebastian"
genuine intrigue
Jessica gave the green light on these trendy reds (I always defer to her) | Easter argyle egg

ok, goodbye.


  1. Love the trendy reds. And I dig Sebastian's stripes!

  2. Sebastian's serious face looks like either Elvis or Billy Idol. Either way, it's totally killer.

    And my kids would 1. run screaming if their Daddy covered his head in a black towel then started swinging it at them and then 2. rally and attack him with plastic light sabers and stuffed animals.

  3. Every picture you post of J makes me realize how incredibly ANGRY Lauren would be if I came home with a baby right now. Oh, it would break my heart. You are a better woman than I.

  4. Love the red jeans! I'm coveting a pair from F21 right now...hoping to get them for Christmas. Then I can be as cool as you :)
