
12 August 2011


reporting live from yet another wild and simultaneously crazy Simonless Friday night with a one Julia Grace  

where hand eating and staring at hand eating is the excitement du jour

this activity was followed by blueberry eating, face washing trickery, a little chat about the danger of crawling with a seam ripper squirreled away in one's mouth and of course the bedtime crying it out sesh that keeps on giving even after 49 days of 'training'


I know I'm playing a scratched compact disc and beating an already rotting corpse of a horse but let me just (boldly) whisper how much I really loathe Simon's schedule these days.


we did take advantage of our time juntos before he galloped off into the  baby catching sunset by taking a nice walk around our neighborhood park

see exhibit

we also generously gave Lucy a breather from obnoxiously attacking every massive pooch in the park and let Julia swing in the weird large plastic car seat swing for about four minutes

see exhibit

Julia and I posed for some real framers on the adventure

see exhibit 

and I fell in love with my new sweatpants that are actually a skirt which I stupidly tried to replicate this evening with the help of some brownie colored fabric and my sewing machine that of course I will don and showcase tomorrow or Monday or maybe just never know around here

we also hit up a science museum where I nonchalantly snapped this nice photo 
it appeared to be the detached tail of an animal costume tied to the child's overalls
an unofficial leash I suppose
I hate to say never but sorry Julia, never for the likes of you

Do you like the work the blog had done? Just some collagen, rhinoplasty and maybe some Botox...not telling. 
Kayla, the she-wizard, is my own personal Annie Sullivan and revamped everything.  I would chat with her if you're needing a lift like the Camp did.

Adios amigoze.


  1. love your new blog revamp! I need someone to do mine, I should inquire with are hilarious. thanks for making me laugh. happy friday!

  2. love the design and love that sweatpant skirt... seriously wish I was cuddled up in that right now.

  3. The revamp looks great! I said that to myself the minute I arrived, in fact :)

  4. LOVE how your blog looks! And your posts seriously crack me up..i can relate to you so much.. ps i want your sweatpant skirt. looks sooo comfortable!

  5. I love love love Julia's dress in the top two photos! Do you know where it's from??
