
15 August 2011

prairie skirt

I forgot to tell you on Saturday during my segment of evening news that Julia and I joined a local gym. For a monthly fee of less than one container of Similac we are expanding our social horizons. I'm not sure how I forget this important headline but things were heavy enough with the soy and Curious George talk. It is equal parts sad and happy how much she loves the (freeeeeee) childcare cage.  They did politely inform me that she needed to wear we found some foot coverings (which Simon says look like man moccasins) and are a happy little gym rat and ratlet M-F circa 8 in the am. 

so now you know, informed y todo.


I mentioned my brilliant sweatpant skirt purchase on Friday and how I tried to replicate it with some jersey knit fabric. After a lot of seam ripping .... it turned out semi-okay and surprisingly wearable. 

I simply:
1. copycatted the measurements of the original skirt
2. cut a waist band
3. Googled how to baste and gather the bodice portion 
4. sewed to make a tube


5. begrudgingly (because I'm a lazy lady) used pins to attach band to bodice
6. (surprise!) sewed together

7. twins are born
8. who wore it best? 
a. the floor
b. lucy 

c. Mama bear
e. Mama bear II

I feel like maybe I should be toting a pail to milk my livestock or weaving a wreath of daisies to adorn my locks ... or something.


Have a nice Monday.


  1. That skirt looks soooo comfy! I can't wait until I get my sewing machine down here so I can make one. We were going to bring it down this weekend but our car was so packed already we would have had to strap Trudy to the bueno.

    We miss you guys! Hope all is well in St. Louis!

  2. New blog design is very Pattonesque. How fun that you joined a gym!! Glad Little J likes it as well. You are looking fabulous!

  3. woah. You just blew my mind with the sweatpant material skirt. Amazingness. On the list for sures. Jealous of your gym membership - I miss having one! You will love it!! Good for you!

  4. I really like your top!such a radiant colour!
