
25 August 2011



a giveaway.

get excited...I know we are


I know probably 1% of the audience will find this useful
{nursing coverlets/privacy hoods/other unattractive moniker}

but you might have a baby shower on your near or far docket and you might need a gift and the giftee would be so appreciative of a baby cloak and you could sit back, pat your untouched wallet, smile smugly and say to yourself, 
"it pays to read bad and vapid blogs...thanks Grace."
You could do that...if you enter and v-v-v-v-v-v-v--vin. 

prize features:
homemade (and it shows...I'm sorry)
terrycloth pocket for your trinkets that also 
d-d o-o u-u b-b l-l e-e s-s 
as a spit up mop
boning at the neck for easy viewing of the action underneath

your choice betwixt:
both house purple terrycloth pockets  
To Enter:
let me see how complicated I can make this
1. Follow Camp Patton and tell me which color you'd fancy
and provide me with your choice of
a. a book worth reading
b. a blog worth reading
c. a link to the recipe of a tasty freezable meal
 If you want to be wild and generous and leave three separate comments for three separate my enthusiastic guest!

Winner announced on Wednesday August 31, 2011
and one important items of business:
1. Congratulations to Steph!!! 

Good Luck mass of enterees 
(otherwise known as entrants)!! 


  1. pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me

    Follow... check


    I will do both a blog and book

    Book- The Long Walk by Slavomir rawicz


    Will email you my recipes for meatloaf and beef stroganoff now.

    Thanks for the shout out!

  2. I love your blog! Love it. And although I do not need a nursing cover (and should be excluded from the giveaway) I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your daily updates- they are hilarious & generally make me laugh.

  3. I follow, you know :) I also don't have a nursing cover and baby is due in 5 weeks?!

    Blog: also called "Enjoying the Small Things." Love her and her photos.

    My spinach lasagna recipe is easy and freezable! Here's the link:

  4. Let's see here.
    I follow because you ate funny.
    I would like the brown and yellow for a gift for my friend whose baby is due the 10th.
    I recommend reading The Help if you have not, but so many have. And if you have, but you're also into teen fiction then read The Hunger Games.
    And a recipe I like is
    Good luck to me.

  5. Funnnn!! You are such a little seamstress! I'll only enter once since I don't really need it..yet. Haha :) I like both colors a lot!!! Oh and here is my blog suggestion, if you don't already read it.. this post in particular:

    ps- Julia's expression in both of the top photos.. hilarious.

  6. Already following (that counts, right?)
    Book: Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of your Child by Anthony Esolen
    (kind of morbid title i know...)
    I tried to think of a blog...but...i mostly just read yours

  7. So cute Grace!!

    -- Following :)

    -- I love the green/purple!!

    -- Do you read The Nie Nie Dialogues? Probably. But it's the blog that's responsible for making me a "blogger!" Talk about inspiration!

    -- Parenting With Grace is what I'm working on now. Wonderful!!

    -- Do you crockpot?? :) I'll send my favorites over!


  8. Grace, love your blog. Can totally relate to everything you write because I am also a SAHM to a one year old :) and fus alumni. I like the yellow one. A Good book? ... The glass castle ... I Read it last year and loved it, I also second the hunger games reco, which I read a few months back.

  9. Hello,
    If I win - I would like the green and purple one.
    Blog - I enjoy:
    Book - I havent had a chance to read a whole lot outside of "THe Brown Bear Snores" "B for Bulldozer". However, "The Help" was recently recommended to me.

  10. bahahaha. if i win, i'll give it to one of my seesters. i want to see if this shiz is rigged. hahaha.
    -faithful follower since the beginning of time
    -the chubby vegetarian, a new fav.
    -girl with the dragon tattoo series, or hunger games series

  11. don't enter me in the contest... I don't have baby making fever right now. Nor do I see myself having it any time in the near or far future.

    Book: The Help. I couldn't put it down... finished it in 2 days and my house definitely noticed. Or... Lonesome Dove (but I don't know if you are into western/TEXAS themed reading material) and it's very long.

    Recipe: I'll have to get back to you on this one as my mind has gone blank.

    The nursing cover/spit up mops are really cute though...

  12. hey grace, my birthday is august 30th, so it could be a birthday present?? i like the green the best, even though they are both awesome.
    book to read: ok so laugh now, but right now im readying harry potter series, good way to just zone out into a different world at night. but also lee child, 61 hours.

  13. Does it count if I'm subscribed in Google Reader which is not a public following device?

    Cause my little sister is due in Oct with a lady baby and I'd love to give her one of these.

  14. Hi, my name is Cassi, and as I was pumping in my office this morning, my boss knocked on my door and asked why it was closed. My boss is a Priest. Can we say, awkward? I'm 32 and just had my 4th baby - Catherine Hope. The 7 week old boob monster is on bottle strike so she waits for me to get home and then enjoys a nursing marathon. Do I absolutely have to have the nursing cover you're giving away? No, but I figured it was as good of a time as any to break my stalker silence and introduce myself... and, well, the covers are super cute and you're super funny and it would be super cool to sport one. I'll be the envy of all the lactating community.

    For a good read:

    Book - Gosh, anything by Jodi Picoult.
    Blog -
    Like Mexican? Gotta try these -

    Stumbled across your blog via another blog/nfp post a few months ago and have been catching up ever since. Gives me a good laugh when I'm in the midst of poop diapers and spit-up deliciousness.

  15. I have been enjoying your blog for a couple of weeks now and think this is the greatest giveaway ever. a)I follow your blog and love it. b) is a great blog c) (do smoothies count??)

  16. I love when aprons or clothing in general can be flipped over! :) haha love this blog, new follower!

  17. oh...and i thought of a blog for when you're feeling crunchy:

  18. I would follow you again if I could!

    And if I were to win (you know I like free stuff even if I don't need it!) I'd go for the green :)

    My book worth reading is one you've almost certainly read a million times but remains my favorite: The Screwtape Letters

    Blog worth reading:

    I don't know anything about food, so I'll stop there :)


  19. I have had this tabbed on my computer, and keep thinking, "Oh, I need to find some recipes and think of books and such to enter." But still haven't actually done it. Haha! I will soon! But I really enjoy this blog: She is such a cutie patootie!
    Both nursing covers are cute!

  20. Oh goodness, I am almost embarrassed to enter as I told YOU that I would make you a nursing cover and never did. I actually had planned on it for this baby until I see you've been busy making yourself some that are WAAAAAYYY cuter. Anyhow shamefacedness never stopped me. I have a certain sister in-law who would love your handiwork (if I don't keep it for myself--cuz I'll win, right?). Seriously, these covers are adorable! So without further ado, I'm going overachiever mode: a) If you haven't read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, you should. b) I think you'd like or her sister's blog c)shameless, but I just googled best freezable meals and came up with this promising sounding one:
    Ok, so maybe I can win due to lengthiest comment? Thanks in advance.

  21. I just stumbled upon this link to a bunch of recipes from Martha Stewart that freeze well and thought of you:

    Also, some of my favorite books are from the Zion Covenant series. It's an oldy, but a goody. They are historical fiction books written about the WII time period by Bodie Thoene and out of all of the books I own, I have probably read them the most times. Mmmk, now I sound like a nerd. But really, they are very good. :)

  22. I know just the new mommy to be for that green one! And I love anything by Jude devreaux. She makes me laugh.

  23. Of course I follow you:)

    I would recommend "Brideshead Revisited"

    Here is my current fav meal:

    I'd like green and purple. Thank Grace!


  24. I follow you!

    I've only been reading "A Mother's Rule of Life" which isn't really care free because it makes you want to do things I'd rather avoid, like keep a clean house and have things organized...although in the long run, I'm sure it's easier than the guilt I have for not having a clean house.

  25. I recently finished Fatherless and LOVED it! I am hoping to score Motherless for my Ereader for cheap when I can find it. And I love the bright yellow one :)

  26. Hi Grace. dont know if you remember me from Franciscan, but I believe we co-habitated in the same dorm for some period of time, or at least I saw you memory is not the best. (especially since having children) I stumbled across your blog not so long ago and have been thoroughly entertained. I am usually the silent stalker type, but who can resist the chance for free anything? so while I am blowing my cover, i might as well go for the gold. in no particular order

    book: Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker. it might be more for the hubs, but still good (esp if you are housing another girl)

    blog: another fellow FUS grad:

    frozen yummy thing: its not actually a dinner, but great to have on hand for many occasions... and there is no link cuz its just what we make, so i do my best on instructions. pesto: we use about half fresh parsley and half fresh basil, lots of EVOO and a dash of s&p, blend in up with food pro or blender (i usually add a bit of EVOO at a time until i get the desired texture), then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. after frozen, remove from tray and pile the cubes of pesto into a ziplock to keep on hand in the freezer. then whenever you want to use it grab a cube or 2 or 3 and thaw (aka microwave) until soft. we use it on pasta with butter and parm cheese, or mix with cream cheese to spread on sandwiches, or as is on bread for a panini

    ok so you got more than you bargained for on that one...i better win (green and purple)!! haha

    Ashley Antone:)
