
22 August 2011


Happy Anniversary Simon!
{Timothy Willoughby Photography}

Our marriage is a big two year old now
 (I counted..1, 2, done)
fancy that
I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate with a splash of wedding photo overkill on an otherwise routine morning. Thank you for two wonderful years together and for making me audibly laugh every single day. 

 three of your most recent gleaming diamonds:
grace: Simon, would you mind grabbing my antacids?
simon: sure, if you wouldn't mind finding and retrieving a bedpan for me in return.

 (while changing Julia's diaper)
simon: this is horrible. 
this is really, really, really bad. 
it smells just like labor and delivery.

grace: I think my new skin brush is clearing up my melasma
simon: and your crow's feet? is it helping those?

 no teeth smile Grace, omnivore Julia and fatty bebe numero dos


  1. Thanks for two wonderful years! Love you!

  2. Congrats to SIMACE!! Many blessings for your family :o)

    Also, heard this on the radio this morning and thought of your SAHM post. You deserve muchos muchos kudos and a hearty pat on the back each and every day.."A new study from the University of Washington found that THE most stressful job for women is being a stay-at-home mom." ALSO, another study showed that all the jobs you do at home would equate to a $115,432 salary per the Fed!! Pish-posh on anyone who says it's an easy job...your work week does not end at 40 hours!!!

    x's and o's

  3. Happy Anniversary!! What amazing pictures.. you looked amazing!! I looove your dress - wow!

  4. you are a nut. great comment (first!?!?!?!) by simone. love your specs i really do!

  5. deanna, greatttttttttttt post i'm selling that!!!

    happpppppppppppppppppppy anniversary to the pattons!!!! every time i see your dress grace, i swoon. favorite of all time. period.

  6. You are up there on the top prettiest brides I've ever seen! Your pictures are incredible! Congratulations! You've been given the two greatest gifts in marriage...children and daily laughter. Such a gift.

  7. Beautiful pictures! Happy anniversary!!

  8. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Those pictures are just too stunning!

    xoxo, KJO

    PS - I heard that there was a studly groomsman at your wedding in a blue jacket...

  9. Your marriage is a virgo! Happy anniversary :)

    Your wedding photos are literally the most gorgeous I have ever seen. Y'all are like magazine good looking. FOR REALZ.

  10. Happy Anniversary!!
    Your are such a beautiful bride! You wedding pictures are stunning! Picture perfect! Y'all have such a cute family! Here's to 100 or so more happy ones! :)

  11. Ok...just recently started reading bc of the 21 day challenge, but I think you are so so funny. And not so-so, but soooo. Anyhoot holy wedding party, Batman! That's a lotta peeps. Congrats on 2!

  12. You're wedding dress is so gorgeous! I love it!

  13. What a perfect wedding! You look stunning. Best wishes to you!

    Candid Wedding photography Chennai
