
19 July 2011


I'm sure you are a smart Snickerdoodle and know that stripes are the it girl this season. They've even spilled into the maternity sektch:

 via Old Navy

but by the time these seem to go on clearance...all the middle of the road sizes are taken

but of course the thrifty nickle...the Goodwill came to my rescue in the form of
navy, white and a totally normal lace applique
(which had me scratching my temple too, fear not)

one date with the seam ripper to remove the applique and an addition of maternity denims (for modesty's sake)later:

{25 weeks} 
maternity mediocrity achieveth

and lest you think all I do is drag Julia to the Goodwill to scour the racks for dillies...
I also exert a lot of energy blowing up 2 cm deep pools, wrangle her into a spandex sun shirt and hat and kick off my mom flops for her to play with as well.

maternal mediocrity also achieveth

Keep on lathering that SPF's a real hottie.




  1. Okay, that's it. I MUST go to goodwill, stat.

  2. You look cute in stripes - especially with your growing belly! Love it! And ah, Goodwill. A thrifter after my own heart :)

  3. You look amazing, clearly you are a cute pregnant girl!! I hope I am too, but I'm thinking probably not...there's always adoption!


  4. I hope that you saved that lace applique for a night out on the town! It's just too fancy!

  5. Wow I would have never bought that shirt because I wouldnt have thought of/dont own a seam ripper.

    But it is SO cute without the lace! That's a great outfit, and your bump is adorable.
