
28 July 2011

quick links, quickly

good morning

this post is sponsored by my deep gratitude for Simon
who is a real saint to take the girls on evening walks whilst saddled with the Bjorn, the fierce pup and the hot pink leash so that I might sit and stare at the wall and chew on my cuticles for several blessed minutes

applause abounding always

Some wealth to spread:
Did you know we are in the midst of NFP awareness week? of course you did
one good article (overlook the title, please)
and if you are Catholic and have kids, 

and my favorite birthday greeting from my funny friend, Cait
never not a dear

I'll be back in a flash with my new favorite dress
prepare your prettiest underwhelmed face


  1. I didn't realize it was NFP awareness week. I hope you don't mind if I copy you and do a post for my readers as well. We used NFP to both conceive and postpone babies :)

  2. Every post of yours is darling. Really. Does that creep you out? Because I kinda actually want to be your friend in real life....

  3. Thank you for the linky-love, and oh my goodness, what a great post. And that first picture!!! LOL!

  4. Stealing your article Grace! Thanks for making me aware of awareness week!
