
12 July 2011

cheerful and light denim

Guten Tag!

greetings from another day in pleasantville with missus smiles herself:

At least the weather is warm:

I haven't been in the mood to fiddle with the sewing machine while simultaneously praying that it doesn't throw a nasty bobbin tangling tantrum so I went the bleaching route last night with these jeans:
I bought these fancies on ebay (on the www) many years ago and thought the sky blue hue could use a little lightening...not whitening...just a little pick me up

I tried to find some um...Pinspiration on the ubiquitous Pinterest but...I don't quite understand how it works nor did I find anything that I liked...all too trendy and high fashion for the likes of this homebody.

I guess this is the closest thing to my intended shade:

(I'm sure that is cited incorrectly...dock me five points)

I think a D-/F+ might be my final grade as it looks like I just doused them in semi-dirty dishwater:

back to the drawing machine and sewing board manana...

stay cool,

gr- could I have forgotten?

Simon dropped a 1/2 carat of a gem the other day suggesting that I do a blog giveaway
to which I replied..."ummm what would I give away?"
and he confidently and quickly offered, "a lock of your hair."

so...look forward to that very soon. 



  1. I would say you could give away one of your fabulous sewing creations... but only other supermodels could fit into them and still look the lock of hair will have to do!

  2. Exactly, Steph! The only things that could fit you and me both grace is jewelry...and I do like that little number you're sportin' in that last photo. Give it over, missy!

  3. I think the jeans look good. Maybe just distress them a little around the knees and some other areas. Easy and fun ;) It's 99 degrees here today and 100 tomorrow...ugh.

  4. bahahahah your hair. HAHAHAH. oh boy. i do LOVE your hair. i wish mine were that luscious. is that creepy to use that word for your hair?

    i would take some sandpaper (course) to the jeans, distress them a bit. you can also use some bleach to splatter them a bit.
