
01 July 2011

7 (official) Quick Takes Friday Volume XIV

Linking up with Jen over at Conversion Diary with my seven quick little snippiteedoos:

1. Happy July. I was going to make an exciting resolution to go running every day this month or something but then I remembered that Simon's hours on labor and delivery are not conducive to watching Julia during my seven minute jaunts and I really need my arms to propel me and the growing spaghetti squash forward which nixes running with the maybe I'll just commit to a daily date with a workout DVD. 
Settled...and so fun. 

2. One of the truly horrible things about moving away from Wichita was that I had to leave my OB. She was the best...coming in on her day off to deliver Julia and not saying a word about my unhealthy weight gain and putting up with my tedious questions about how will I know that I'm in labor at every appointment. If I knew that I could last 6 hours in the car...I would surely book it back to the 'ta for the delivery with her. I'm on the hunt for a replacement and I think I got a decent lead this week...supposedly she lets you get your epidural as early as no centimeters dilated, knows how to administer IV fluids sans needle and waves her magic wand so that all pregnancy weight is melted off before you even leave the hospital....perfect in every way.

3. My best friend forever, Jessica, managed to put both of denim shorts' projects to shame with a swift hack of these real live man pants:
 Go see the stellar finished product and get an up close and personal glimpse into life as a middle schooler in New Mexico in the 90's.....hilare.
*and don't miss the lead up to the denim getting.

4. If you happen to be in the market for the easiest curtain tutorial in the world you are in luck...
 I used it to make some brown linen curtains for our bedroom 
Simon mistakenly thought Julia had thrown these together...that simple and easy.
curtain excitement waning anddddd ........

5. Julia is finally crawling. 
 Everyone said I would miss her pet rock stage but other than the occasional wet hand run in with an  electrical outlet or cord attached to a very hot iron...all is good and well in the mobile world.

6. Many, many, many thanks to Steph for sending me her camera after mine weaseled it's way into the washing machine and has yet to fully towel off. Look forward to less grainy week.
She wins the nicest person of July award already.

7. All I can muster...

Have a phenom weekend!

Love,  the She-Pattons


  1. YAY for no more phone photos! Did you get it already!?!? Sorry I forgot to attach the little note I had written to you with it. I figured you would appreciate what I used to cushion it with :)

    AND YAY for J!!!!

  2. the curtains are awesome and i love julia's pink headband.

  3. Yay for Princess J!!! Tell her to crawl up to Wichita and visit! :o)
