
13 June 2011

v-v-v-e-e-ek hen

(skiddish for weekend)

photo heavy and excitement central station around these parts...

Grace taught Julia how to cut Simon's hair 
(so we took a family photo to commemorate the finished product)
(Julia also gained three pounds in two days by way of carrot cupcakes)

Julia has been watching too much Baby Einstein Big Kid Edition or something because I don't know how she knew to do this to this unsuspecting little boy:
completely unprompted and her little open mouth and three teeth (including one snaggler inherited from her father) had to be pried off the poor book

We enjoyed an early morning swing at the park:
where Julia got her stare on at all of the canines and toddlers

and Simon babysat Julia in his ankle cage so Grace could go on precisely two four minute runs:

and...I think that about covers it. 
We were also abnormally social and got out of the house a fair amount and met some nice St. Louisans 

We arrived in Colorado this morning after a three am wake up and two flights from hell (I exaggerate not). I need to find a shirt to wear on airplanes that says, "I'm sorry in advance" or, "I'm really sorry in advance" because Julia is obnoxiously vocal about the fact that she is not a fan of the confined space of my lap for more than three seconds. Luckily ... today the loud and giggly girls downing fistfuls of vodka with droplets of orange juice at six thirty took the heat off of our sober albeit whiny piglet AND I had armed the diaper bag with a box of organic graham sticks teething bologna of which I inhaled in 6 minutes flat.

Reunion highlights three hours in:

~My brother Peter inquiring after my weight gain 3 seconds after he greeted me and giving me an up down stopping his stare pointedly at my stomach
~Julia getting more attention in five minutes from her cousins (second cousins? cousins once removed?) than she gets on a weekly basis from her parents
~Julia c-r-a-s-h-i-n-g for two hours and counting ...
~learning that there is a talent show tonight featuring 'silly talent' ... 

Now I'm off to see if the altitude will be shaving my run down to two minutes flat and to read something heady that could pass for 6th grade literature. 

Have a nice afternoon!


  1. Have I ever mentioned that your baby is crazy adorable? Yummers!

  2. REALLY CUTE smiley pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
