
19 June 2011

To: Dad From: Julia

Dear Dad,

You are the best dad I've ever had but don't forget that I'm the reason for the Father's Day season. Mom and I made a little list of why you are the best:

~you always change my worst diapers when Mom's nausea seems to coincidentally flare up

~you read me the real words in my books rather than just breeze through and explain the photos like a certain parent

~you take me down to the basement and let me play with big people things so mom can get a small break

~you take the silly bows off my head when they are hurting my hair

~you let me wear your t-shirts when I am eating so that I don't get my clothes dirty

~you make me bottles in the middle of the night so that mom doesn't have to in the morning

~you take me to look at dogs at the pet store and the humane society

~you share your ice cream with me when we sneak out of the house

and my favorite:

~you make me laugh harder than mom because you are the funnier parent

I love you more than I love toddlers and dogs combined,



  1. Simon is a great Dad! Love the photos. That last one is scrumptious!! Julia's Grandfather Seaton made all present do a Father's Day Triathlon!!

  2. Precious! :) Cute, sweet post.

  3. Such a sweet post. And of course the pictures: LOVE!
