
24 June 2011

7 (official) Quick Takes Friday Volume XII

Let's see if I can finaggle this into some quakes...

Congratulations to Jen on her new little lady!
Go visit BettyHallie for more exciting posts!

1. Well...we have a new camper in our midst:

2. Bringing Camp Patton's total eyeball count (including the in utero member) to nine:

3. Yes...our ferocious and saddle ready Cockapoo (trailing in second place to Shih-Poo for worst mixed breed name ever) only houses one eye...
(the price was right: no lettuce and she is house broken, tolerant/good with little monsters and has an oddly deep, frightening bark)

4. The owner did not disclose Lucy's (her name...for now....courtesy of the former owner) handicap but after Simon's close inspection of the photos the owner sent

I received the following email with name suggestions 
(PETA avert your eyes):

(clops being short for cyclops, susan for one eyed susan and jackie for one eyed jack and Guida being a girl's name that Simon strongly dislikes and I strongly love)

I think my fave is probably 10/20

5. So...any names we're forgetting? 

6. And as suspected...Julia is loving her perpetually winking furry older sibling 

and cares little that while her overeager PDA is tolerated it is mostly unrequited thus far...

and one dogless take
7. We tried exploring downtown St. Louis last night but ran into flocks of Cardinals' fans and only had one quarter to feed the strict parking meter...

so we successfully squeezed as much people watching/staring, speed walking and placard reading as possible into our precious 15 minutes...

Have a lovely weekend

~Simon, Grace, Julia and Lucyclopsusanjackiewinkiepatch10/20oldkeller Patton


  1. Name her Scout. Props to you for finding a non-shedding dog! If only they had cats that came that way.

    Not to pick sides, but I am on Team Simon for the name Guida. It reminds me of the Jersey Shore.

    Hope you are loving life in STL, sorry about the humidity!

  2. oh my goodness. I'm so EXCITED for you guys! What an adorable little she pet! And the one eye----hahahahahhahhhhhhh just dying over here. 10/20 was my favorite as well

  3. and by favorite, I mean that it got the heartiest lol

  4. as horribly unPC as it is (and I'm supremely conscious of such things over here in SoCal) I think Ol'Keller takes the cake. Pure genius.

  5. I can't stay away. This new-dog situation just makes me so happy. And I just love the pics of her with Julia. This is killing me---I want to visit right now! This minute!

  6. Clops.... I just died laughing. and easy to say for babies who dont seem to like learning complicated words!

  7. Do you think J has noticed the missing eye? We are cracking up!! Does this mean Tucker and Rudy are invited to visit? Send 10/20 our way anytime! She looks adorable and the blindeye makes her more lovable!! Congrats.

  8. I'm with Steph on Clops...because babies can never say "l" so they'll say "Cwops" and then we will nearly faint from cuteness overload and the world will be a better place.



  9. What a cute little dog!! We had a one-eyed cat and her name was Captain (named by my 2-yr old brother after the captain on Star Trek). But it worked both ways, like a pirate you know. We called her Captain the One-Eyed Wonder Cat. Just a tip... :)

  10. Ahhhhhh!!! Yay! I was finally able to steal Internet and was so excited to read this glorious news! You had Ben and I cracking up (esp. at the perpetually winking reference.) We need to have a puppy play date the next time you're in town!

    PS - My dad only has one eye, so we totally know what you're going through.

  11. ol'keller is BY FAR my favorito.
