
02 May 2011

fashion forward and other bologna

Greetings from the May that feels like mid-December.
 I have some Melasma to get cracking on so I would appreciate if his highness, the sun, would show his handsome face sometime very soon. 

This weekend was filled with excitement and festivities:

I purchased a pair of shoes from Sears. They might be borderline orthotic and ugly but by golly they sure are comfy.

I inhaled grocery store sushi twice...once with a healthy side of Mcdonalds. (low brow? probably but it is my new favorite thing on planet earth)

I dealt with this skinny cup of joy:
Basically 'my baby is teething' is just a fat euphemism for 'I have a really bad baby on my hands'. I hope this ends soon because my patience and sleep deprivation tolerance are both seriously waning. I'm thisclose to trading her in for a potty trained 6 year old. 

I tried really hard to convince myself that the lady chain smoking in our neighbor's driveway was not pregnant but was merely growing a large benign stomach cyst. 

I also predictably altered some pantalones. I'm sure you've noticed that I tend to be pretty fashion forward when it comes to my attire. I hop on any and all trend trains and always forgo comfort for style whenst given the choice. 

Enter the ultra flared jean trend:
I know the hot trend has been out of the oven for quite some time and is losing steam but I didn't let that stop me from trying to morph a pair of old trouser jeans into a pair of semi-ultra flares. . .
caveman stance + creepy stare

if it looks like I'm fake smiling and that my jeans aren't quite tailored to perfection...its because I am and they are not. 

I had just waged a very serious war on my bleeping sewing machine after it refused to cooperate by way of many a bent needle. 
(it is now doing serious time at a repair center) there they are..paired with my orthotics. 

Do I love them? 

Do they look even remotely close to the real hot deal?
definitely no.

do I feel like a better person that contributes just a little more to humanity while I'm wearing them?


and now I'm off to literally chuck my car keys deep into the bowels of Julia's Diaper Genie so that I don't make a third run for some high class sushi. 

hasta la later,



  1. your pants look great! and no, the trend is just starting in some places (new mexico) so don't will never be behind when you come to THIS state.
    i love all grocery store sushi except for Sunflowers. bc i got it once and they put red onions in it and it was terrible.

  2. love the pants-job well done. please teach me to sew so i can be more budget friendly. i guess first i'll need to make a budget argh.

    hope the teething speeds on by...infant tylenol?

  3. Oooh, the flare trend makes me happy. I hate the skinnyness.

    Sushi plus McDonalds is not lowbrow, it's disgusting. I still love you though.

    And I gave you an award. You can go by my blog if you want to pick it up, but I'm not gonna cry if you don't want to. The rules you have to follow to accept it are kind of annoying.

  4. Cheer up Ju Ju Bear!! You will be able to eat sushi with your stylin' mare when all those teeth are in!

  5. It was good to meet you this weekend! Evan told me he had a baby crush on Julia...
