
22 February 2011

more of the same

the alterations strike again


The temperature plummeted over night...leaving me and Julia to do nothing but stare at each other after her first morning nap ended at 7:30. She encouraged me to continue with the sewing while she gnawed on a cucumber slice...

little dear

..but before we get to the masterpieces Julia and Simon spent some quality time together last night
they enjoyed some reflection gazing
 and then story time with a big bad chapter book
of which she successfully feigned interest for several seconds...
 but the truth eventually came out to play...


onward and downward
Inspired by this tutorial via one of my favorite blogs...I shrunk these bad boys by way of a sharpie and the sewing machine...

(and the shirt refashion technique is soooo early February...)
 school uniform: I'm not a boy...not yet a man

...and with a wave of my magic wand...
 ooo what have we here...a spandex cycling jersey and some flares that peaked in popularity circa 2005.
I think I went a little overboard with the shirt surgery.

and speaking of surgery...Simon is watching some (highly inappropriate) video for school about some horrific sounding surgery that has used the words: stirrups, catheter, fallopian tubes, anesthesia, cervix and incision multiple times. 

no and no

 thank you

(ps have you ever had dark chocolate creamer? you is very the spoonful or accompanying coffee)


  1. I LOVE the shirt! its so cute and fitted on you!! Perfect. And that look she is giving as he is reading to her is hilarious haha cute baby!

  2. I think both the shirt and pants turned out fantastic! You look great.

    Freckles in April | a modest clothing blog

  3. Geez G-money you're getting to be quite the expert on that sewing machine. I think this is my favorite outfit yet (next to J's sweatpants). I love the shirt, belt, khakis, everything. Makes me want to go out and buy a sewing machine of my own.

    Matt is addicted to dark chocolate creamer and uses roughly a 2:1 creamer to coffee ratio. He likes his java like my grandma did, sweet with a hint of coffee.

  4. oh my god it looks great. those would never be able to tell they were altered. i dont think it's near as easy as you make it sound. lovely.

  5. Whhattt? Girl you've got talent! I can't believe the transformations you've been making...teach me your ways. Love the skirt from yesterday and LOVE your pants. And dark chocolate creamer? Don't know if there's enough "real estate" in the fridge...will have to check.

  6. Your little guy is soooo incredibly cute. I can't believe what you did with those pants! If I had that ability my wardrobe would improve significantly. Kudos!

  7. The 505 is thoroughly amazed by your sewing talent! Looks like you might win at the county fair again this year!! Still snickering here about the floral skirt. I have avoided floral prints for years. Once upon a time, I was asked by one hysterical daughter, "Mom, what was your thought process when you bought that floral shirt at EB?" Maybe I'm finally healing after seeing the skirt transformation.
