
25 February 2011

7 (official) Quick Takes Friday Volume IV

 Linking up to Conversion Diary's Quick Takes once again

1. This week brought my life's overall sleeping hours average way down thanks to a five month old sadist by the name of Julia. I'm convinced she has her very own 'parent monitor' that successfully beats her eardrums when both parents are successfully sleeping. My lovely sister-in-law was so nice to watch Julia for me on Wednesday after a particularly horrible night and Simon stepped in and made dinner that evening. It was wretched night followed by the most wonderful day. 
formal family dinner 
(on the left: directly before Julia kicked my plate to the almost floor and on the right: Julia coveting a hoppy beverage)

2. Like the rest of the Catholic world I have noticed that something feels amiss this February. Where is Lent? A little on the tardy side of the spectrum this year...which I am not complaining about..merely noting. Our selfless Julia told me that she has decided to abstain from styling her hair for the Lenten season this year. . .
 setting the sacrificial bar very high for the rest of her family.

3. Speaking of Julia and sacrifices:
This mesh food bag contraption is on my shortlist of bebe 'needs'. Despite what it might look like, we did not put bits of a human corpse in the bag...just some frozen blackberries. She performed her first miracle...holding onto the intelligent design for five whole minutes. Entertainment for J, sanity for G. 

such a lady:

4. A Simon says snippet:
(cheery and pre-haircut)
After a recent shower of mine and before I had thoroughly washed my face...Simon nonchalantly offered, "Your eye makeup is smeared. You look like Marilyn Manson."
Never a lack of affirmation in this household. 

5. Copping out, beating a very dead horse and dedicating the next three takes to alteration before and afters 



Have a superb weekend. 


  1. can you please come over and teach me to sew? I am scared of my machine!

  2. Dont you just love to refashion?! These look sooo dang cute! You explain things so much better than I do.
    I love when my baby learned how to feed himself, even though it would become quite a mess. It is cute, entertaining and nice because you get a tiny break!

  3. well...look at you miss "my thighs dont touch"

  4. Oh, how I love your alterations. You totally don't need to buy anything when you can rock your already fabulous wardrobe! I am now thinking I could rework some of my old clothes... Thanks for the inspiration! xx
