
27 January 2011

¿adonde vas?

lazy lady.

Where have I been? Let us take a little gander at the possibilities:

1. Would you believe I began cleaning out my closet on Monday and am stilllll digging my way through all of my ill-fitting pre-pregnancy clothing? The stack of too-small-for-my-new-birthing-hips-pants is about kneecap high and growing while my 'these fit' stack is about pinky toe high.  bla.

2. Would you believe that due to the balmy temperature of 35 degrees the other day I took myself out on a 16 minute run (or however long listening to this ditty four times in a row will take you) (never mind the fact that a lady half my height and triple my age easily hoofed it past me from a good half mile back) and am still reveling in my accomplishment? maybe not.

3.  10, 2, (sometimes 3), 4 and 6.    These are Julia's new nightly/early morning wake up times. . .and mine obviously. I taped a baby monitor to Simon's cochlea last night but he still didn't seem to be bothered by her desperate pleas to be rescued from the big, scary crib. Woe is me, of course.

4. Maybe I've been following Julia around collecting the hair falling from her rapidly balding head. We have almost collected enough to weave a rug-mini or make a little wig for some unfortunately bald babydoll . . . note the loss progression below:

bottom right: ignorance is bliss

5.  Perhaps I've been enjoying watching Julia go nowhere in her walker. For her purposes, it should be renamed 'feet dangler' or perhaps 'infant wheelchair' ... as she requires that I wheel her around  wherever I go whenever I go there.  This was during one of her 'serious' hours she self-imposes at least three times a day.

she refuses to smile in the walker claiming she is a now a grownup and doesn't have time for sillies such as smiles or fun

6. orrrr perhaps I've been a busy little bee sewing fancy gifts .... perhaps ....

proud, proud, proud..what? You are telling me you wouldn't appreciate personalized dishtowels? lies.
oh, I'm impressed with my abilities too...don't worry. I'm actually training Julia to pat me on the back affirmation and validation style.

Such a smart baby.


  1. i am giggling beyond belief. hahahaha. her hair will grow back. and i love the feet dangler.

  2. Please let Julia know her uncle would appreciate a few original facial expressions now and then.

  3. Hew lost his hair when he was a few months old but only where his head touched the crib. So he had thing "ring" of baldness that was the exact opposite of Jason Alexander's hair style. (So bascially where JA was bald, Hew had hair and where JA had hair, Hew did not.)

  4. I love her little baldy baldy head. Your towels turned out so nicely! I love need to teach me your new skills...
