
09 December 2010

yesterday morning...

at Mass I saw a former coworker and as soon as he spotted our little Julia he said:

"HE'S HUGE!!!!"

 Granted....she wasn't exactly oozing femininity in her getup...

So, after her bath I let her wear something on the prettier side of the spectrum while she showed off her newest trick:

yes, laying on a blanket on the floor and being content for twelve minutes at a time is her newest trick...never not crazycity around here.

and now--we are off to Buffalo for another interview. If Julia doesn't want to wear her reindeer can be sure that Simon and I will be fighting over who gets to wear it because it is going to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing cold.


  1. hahaha i love her little fluffy outfit. and i LOVE that she rocked it in church. she is already proving to be ahead of the game in her fashion.

  2. hahahahahhahahahahahahaha oh man. peopl eare shameless! i love it. she's adorable.

  3. She is adorable. Her cuteness made me smile.
