
13 December 2010

well, that was unpleasant


five airports

one entire can of formula

two self-diagnosed ear infections and one self-diagnosed strep throat
several naps on waiting room chairs (thank goodness for Simon's ability to make little nests for Julia)

two hours in a service center line with MANY other disgruntled and stranded travelers

one very evasive customer "service" representative

one expensive hotel room in Houston

two risen blood pressures

and one pledge to never ever ever travel on Continental again...(the service was appalling...jaw-dropping...oh no you didn't just say that...apppppppalling)
We made it back home to Wichita. 

I'm sure our presence was missed greatly.


  1. Oh my gosh!! What an ordeal you went through!! I wish you a very relaxing and cozy week.

  2. triple ugh! Sorry you had to go through all that. And we did miss you!

  3. Whoa! I'm so sorry for your rough traveling! so hard, esp with a baby in tow AND illness... Yikes! Hope you get some much needed rest/healing these next few days!

  4. sounds miserable. at least julia is still adorable.
