
06 October 2010

Simon Says

Much to my delight I recently rediscovered a pair of brown flats that are perfect for the cooler temperatures we are experiencing here in the ta lately. Simon did not share my sentiment for the situation:

(under his breath) "I CAN'T believe you found those shoes"

Almost every single time he changes Julia's diaper...he has this to say about the contents found:

"Pumpkin spice latte!!!!"

As we were watching My Best Friend's Wedding last night:

"This movie is a lot darker than I remember and it should be called My Ex-Boyfriend's wedding"

As I was nursing Julia:

"Are you ever KIND of tempted to try and feed yourself?"



  1. ohhh my gosh! all kinds of Lol-ing ovah here. I guess I shall forever think of baby poop when I order my p-spice. LOVE the best friend's wedding observation.

  2. SHUT THE F UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahhahaahaha i love it.

  3. My hubs was fascinated by my "milk jugs" after I had my son. He would stare at me as I nursed and after a while I got annoyed and asked him what his deal was. He lifted his hands in the air as if he was cupping two breasts and asked, "Was the milk ALWAYS there?". *facepalm*
