
14 October 2010

family affair

My brother Paul sent me a message last night reporting on the events at my parent's house in New Mexico. If you can make out the details of the photo...Sarah (fifth grade) is busy typing up Peter's (seventh grade) science report. Apparently, Peter was too busy playing computer games (in the foreground) to be bothered with his schoolwork. Later on, I talked to my mom (college graduate) who was having to edit the science report that Sarah had typed up for Peter. The report was over the question that I'm sure everyone is dying to know the answer to: "which soda has the most fizz?"

results to follow whenst reported to me at a later date.


  1. this is hilarious. i'd punch my brother in the n*ts if he made me do this. probably why i don't have a brother.

  2. so wait, was peter involved in the project at all? ah good thing he has such smart whe-meen in his life.

  3. ps. it's time for you to update your blog photo to include, you, si-si and hulia. although i will be sad to see the one you have up there now go.

  4. What if she just photshops Grace Jr. into it? Then it's best of both worlds.

  5. haha! one of my favorite posts yet. peter knows how to work it bigtime! hope to see you tonight!!!!!! : )

  6. Ahh Peter, I was hoping to get paid through love, (My Mother's, of course) and all I got was "Sarah! You forgot this sentence right here!No I didn't! It's right in front of your eyes! Oh." And I am a 6th grader!
