
12 September 2010

statuses of wisdom

Remember my brother Pedro?

Well, Peter is a somewhat of a prolific facebook status updater. Here are a few of my recent faves:

mickey mouse club house is getting so dramatic

school has its positives and negative but theres more negatives then positives

my mom tried to give me this sleeping stuff then i lay in bed for to hours i figure to take some differnt sleeping stuff i never slept

Parents favor there young children I know it

aloost bite of his lip because hes numb from the dentist

just burned a pizza for 2 hrs

Great day hhmm actuelly affle

My family was recently in Illinois visiting relatives and we all went out to get some ice cream. As we were leaving Peter was sure to spell his name to the high school aged employee so that he could easily find Peter on facebook. What a lucky duck.


  1. love that child! he's soon to be up to 1,000 friends, I'm sure! haha I think my favey is the sleeping pills update

  2. Peter is brilliant. One day I hope you write a book called "My Brother Pedro."

  3. oh my. that spelling is atrocious :)

  4. hahahah and I'm still laughing, what a little buggabear : )

  5. haha! his spelling skills are about as stellar as those of MY younger siblings. Is it a generational thing, or do only us old fogeys know how to spell in English? :)

    funny updates, tho :)
