
12 August 2010


things to never say to a pregnant lady in serious waiting:

1. "ooh she was SO much smaller than you are now when she delivered" (I was at a mere 28 weeks when this little ruby was tossed my way)

2. "Well, I think you are bigger than when I saw you on Wednesday!!" (this elicited silent curses on my part four days after said Wednesday)

3. "How much weight have you gained??" (I'm going to lie..especially when you tell me that you only gained 15 pounds with each of your three children)

4. Any version of any even remotely horrific labor/breast infection/induction story. I will probably cry if I hear any gory deets.


  1. virginia just said the other day that she had a breast infection. i was like whaaa? whats that? omg

  2. Oh the things people say to pregnant women. I have to dumb myself down with the only response I can give without swearing. "Like, really?"
