
08 July 2010

preferred flavors du jour

not easily procured in Wichita but thoroughly enjoyed in New Mexico:

I know. I know. Super cliche. Who doesn't love Starbucks? But I think I might sinfully covet the iced lattes and drool like a canine whenever I sense that I am within 3 miles of a bucks establishment.

(taking a break from the edibles for the briefest of seconds) -- new fave moisturizer. Economical, seasonal and smells really, really, really good.

Can't put this sucker down. A definite must-read.

You will never go back to plain old peanut butter again. Heaven in a jar. Alone on a large spoon or accompanied by bread, banana, or alone on another large spoon...

and another flavor that refuses to go away. the pregnancy tribal paint that seems to have found a cozy home on my cheeks. No amount of scrubbing, sunscreening, or cloroxing will get rid of these disgusting new inhabitants. Halloween just might have to come early and stay late this year for Grace.
not even kind of joking.

1 comment:

  1. wait what is on your face? i want to try that lotion. and have you tried the soy lattes from starbucks?? the soy is naturally sweetened and so you dont have to add splenda and it is soooooooo good. try it i promise you will like it.
