
05 June 2010

alliteration for 100 please

Post, the first: incipient, inaugural, initial, inception, from the ICT.

What better way to celebrate and commemorate one (very) unsuccessful year of teaching, one successful (almost) year of marriage, one (still very much baking) bebe and a wonderful life than to start a blog? We'll start by stating that the female counterpart of the Pattons will probably be writing the vast majority of the posts but maybe the male will surprise us.

Lets put things into perspective as to where Grace, the ShePatton is in la vida great:

I like to think about time in terms of ... "I'll be finished with school in three weeks...hmm so what was I doing three weeks AGO...what will three weeks from now feel like in terms of the now?" ... In one year I am guessing we will be packing to move wherever Simon will be doing his residency, the little lady will be several months old and summer will be starting all over again(the last being more of a fact than a guess). One year AGO I was working in our great state's capital city in a grossly sterile office building talking to angry constituents and calling the time and temperature line entirely too much to avoid listening to my office mate's grating regurgitations of drudgereport headlines. and NOW I am enjoying a hasty retirement from teaching, impatiently waiting the arrival of our first baby and learning the ropes of housewifery day by day.

I don't promise anything beyond mundane musings, daily diatribes and annoying alliterations abounding but I do love a good mom blog and am adding my small drop to the bucket of love.



  1. love love lOVEY and love your new blog, Grace! i've been lol-ing and ERRYthing. And i love the wheat background too! So pretty!

  2. i can't BELIEVE You didn't tell me about this and i'm excited i foudn it today and will be stalking the whole damn thing start to finish now.

  3. I've officially made my way through your blog posts thus entertaining!

  4. I have officially read your entire blog from finish to start! Did you ever think a year from here with a new baby you'd be bakIng a second?? Lovely family, lovely blog- hilarious!! Thank you for sharing!

  5. reading from the beginning. here i go! :)
